Alien Exploration – Simon Wolfe
Join Ariana, a fearless member of the Alliance Scouts, as she captains her dream ship, the Fortuna, on a mission to explore a mysterious new system for potential colonization. Ariana is a skilled and determined leader, while her co-pilot Neto, a recent graduate of the Scout Academy, brings a fresh perspective to their journey. But when their first contact with the inhabitants of the system turns into a dangerous conflict and they are captured by a tall, blue-skinned, but otherwise Terran-looking species called the Kranlians.
Despite their initial mistrust, Ariana forms a bond with the Kranlians, particularly with Kirn, the male head of security, Kearla, the female chief medical officer and Kwils a perky young Engineering Officer. As they work together to unravel the mysteries of the system, Ariana and Neto find them drawn to the lively and flirtatious Kwils, who teaches Neto some new and exciting techniques.