The Boytoy Next Door – Hannah Monroe

I’ve been three months without a man and I’m losing my mind! One more week and I’m going to pull the postman inside and unwrap his package.
Gary wasn’t much of a husband before the divorce, but if he had one saving grace, it was our love life. Like clockwork, every morning before work and every evening when he got home. He’d kick open my legs, hike up my skirt and we were off to the races.
Ugh, great! Now I’m all worked up again! I swear, the next man to come through my door I’m dragging to bed.
Mom says I gotta spend the day helping our neighbour Betty around the house, since she ain’t gotta man. Not that I’m complaining. She’s the foxiest dame in the neighbourhood and always sun bathing in those tiny little bikinis. So who’s complaining if I get a closer look?