Bi’s & Lesbos Vol 4
Five Lesbian and Bisexual Erotic Stories by Maidenhead Publishing
Tattoos – Laura Ashton
Friday night at Mojo’s Mandy confides to her friend, Chelsea, that her movie-star-good-looks bf never came home last night. Chelsea, knows something Amanda Carter doesn’t, Eddy’s been stepping out on her.
$ex in $in City – Dee Dawning
Opportunity presents itself in, of all places–Las Vegas.
The Big Bamboo – The Grotto – Laura Ashton
Have Boyd and Walter been searching for dears instead of deer on their so-called hunting expeditions.
Mile High 2 – Felicia Rose
After a wild, twenty minute, in flight, liaison in the airplane lavatory, Greg and Krista decide to extend their interlude in a nearby airport hotel with Karen, a friend of Krista’s.
SLUT 4 – La Marchesa
Restive mom attempts to stave off the return of the BEAST by adding pornographic films to her and Robert’s sex life.